
Dell Wyse 5060 Storage Upgrade

I came across the Dell Wyse 5060, a nifty little thin client, on eBay for a bargain price of around $30. Initially, I used it as a QDevice for my Proxmox Cluster, but its downside was the limited 16GB storage. However, my recent foray into playing around with LXC Containers sparked an idea. Could this thin client serve as a host? With an old Kingston 480GB SSD lying around, I wondered if its internals could fit into the Wyse 5060 enclosure. To my delight, after disassembling the Kingston SSD, I found a tiny SSD chip tucked away inside. What's more, the resemblance between this chip and the original drive in the thin client was uncanny. It was time to put it to the test!

WatcherTower Docker Command

 WatchTower is a docker container that monitors and updates other containers on a system. The following command can be run to not only launch the command, but enable debugging, cleanup and setting a schedule. docker run --detach \     --name watchtower \     --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \     -e WATCHTOWER_CLEANUP='true' \     -e WATCHTOWER_DEBUG='true' \     -e TZ='America/Chicago' \     -e WATCHTOWER_SCHEDULE='0 0 1 * * *' \     containrrr/watchtower:latest

Changes Timezone for Debian Systems

This is the command to change the timezone to America\Chicago for Debian:

Resolve Linux hostnames on Windows Systems

The following are the steps for enabling the ability to ping a Debian Linux system by hostname on a Windows system; Step 1: Update and install packages with the following command. Step 2: Launch a text editor (in this case nano) to modify nsswitch.conf.  Step 3: Modify the "hosts:" portion to the following and save the changes.   Now you should be able to resolve the Linux hostname on a Windows system.